Evil-DeC0Y on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/evil-dec0y/art/Trixie-Vs-Discord-323655112Evil-DeC0Y

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Trixie Vs. Discord



Ta-Da! The Great and Powerful Trixie returns! :icontrixieclapplz:

There are a lot of firsts for me with this one, the biggest being Discord, I was surprised by difficult he was to make.

I've had this comic planned for a very long time but wasn't sure how to do most of it, and then it dawned on me that I have no idea if Trixie and/or Discord will be making an appearance on the show soon. So I wanted to make this before any thing canon might have rendered this idea unusable.

I was going to have more faces and catagories on the "scheme" panel, there were even some I took away after already making them, but I ran out of space so I thought I'd include some here in the description:

Doughnuts: Spike and Donut Joe

Gourmet Desserts: Gustav the Griffon and Mulia Milds

There were also more faces in existing catagories but I removed those to.

I've got to say I came up with Discord's 4th wall breaking line after trying to come up with a way to explain how he was at one of Trixie's shows, and I thought
"This sucks, I have to come up with something not relevant to the comic at all, that will take up a panel that could be used for a joke or reaction, just so that people wont complain about it not making sense. Why don't they just stop overanalyzing things and accept that it's just a joke comic and go with it."

Tools used: Pencil, Paper, MS paint, GIMP

Here are the links to the other Trixie Vs. comics:

Colgate: [link]

Derpy 1: [link]

Derpy 2: [link]

Zecora: [link]

Pinkie Pie: [link]

Berry Punch: [link]

Fluttershy: [link]

The Cutie Mark Crusaders: [link]

Also yes, I'm aware that a plot isn't an actual part of the horse anatomy, I did it for the lulz.

Edit: I added an extra M to the M.M.M.M., I forgot about the mascarpone. I also added some blush to Trixie in the last panel.

MLP© and it Characters belong to Hasbro©.
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1500x15850px 7.28 MB
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